Michael Jungmair
Michael Jungmair

PhD Student at TUM database group

About Me

I am a third-year PhD student at TU Munich, supervised by Jana Giceva.

My research lies at the intersection of data management and compilers. I conduct fundamental research on novel architectures for database engines utilizing compiler technology. Additionally, I explore how data processing systems can effectively handle workloads defined in general-purpose programming languages like Python.

I am also leading the open-source LingoDB project that leverages compiler technology to achieve unprecedented flexibility and extensibility without sacrificing performance.

  • data management (especially OLAP) on modern hardware
  • compilers and programming languages for data management
  • PhD in Computer Science (Ongoing)

    Technical University of Munich

  • M.Sc. in Informatics

    Technical University of Munich

Selected Publications

Selected publications. For more information, view my DBLP page or Google Scholar.

(2024). HiPy: Extracting High-Level Semantics from Python Code for Data Processing. PACMPL(OOPSLA) Accepted.
(2023). Declarative Sub-Operators for Universal Data Processing. Proc. VLDB Endow..
(2022). Designing an Open Framework for Query Optimization and Compilation. Proc. VLDB Endow..
Teaching & Supervision

Thesis Supervision

  • Transforming Data Frame Operations from Python to MLIR, Robert Imschweiler, Bachelor Thesis, 2022
  • Sub-Operator Placement on GPUs for accelerating analytical queries, Raoul Zebisch, Master Thesis, 2023
  • Converting User-defined Functions to an Intermediate Representation for Cross-Domain Optimizations, Nicolo Knapp, Master Thesis, 2023
  • Implementation of the TPCx-AI benchmark in relational database systems with SQL, * Victoria Krafft, Bachelor Thesis, 2024*


  • Fundamentals of Database Systems (Bachelor, ~ 1500 students, Winter Semester 21/22, 22/23, 23/24, 24/25)
  • Implementation of Database Systems (Master, ~ 500 sudents, Summer Semester 22, 23, 24)